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Wizard of Paws Pet Grooming

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406 E 4th St


Tonganoxie, KS 66086

Call or Text

for an appointment



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Wizard of Paws is a family owned dog and cat grooming salon.  Our groomers have over 48 years combined grooming experience.   We groom every dog and cat to perfection using our education and continued training.  We are qualified to do breed and pet trims to enhance your dogs unique character.  We offer creative color services for a touch of fun. Nail trims are offered on a walk in basis during normal business hours. Call or come into our salon for knowledgeable, compassionate and skilled groomers to help manage all your pets grooming needs.

Wizard of Paws is Five Generations Strong!  Ask us about our history. 

Meet Our Staff

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Monica Gee  Owner/Master Groomer

Monica has owned Wizard of Paws for 13 years and been a dog and cat groomer for 33 years.  Monica is a Master groomer with all seven AKC groups, certification for skin aesthics , skin & health, first aid & cpr, cat handling, senior handling and aggressive dog handling.  from NAPCG, NDGAA, IDGAA and Barkleigh. Monica has vast experience with breed specific trims, hand scissoring and creative coloring.  Monica is a published author for multiple grooming industry publications with a range of topics: corrective coloring, grooming through community involvement, tools of the trade, dryer and high velocity blowers and kennel safety.  Monica owns two Standard Poodle, Cami & Marie, and a Frenchie, Earl.  The Tonganoxie community is where Monica proudly calls home. 

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Hannah King Co-Owner/Office Manager

Hannah is the co-owner of Wizard of Paws.  She is the office manager (official cat herder), she schedules appointments, manages the employees and every aspect to keep the groomers working and clients happy.  She is a master at her job.  Hannah is a graduate of Tonganoxie High School and is very involved in community service in Tonganoxie. She is a graduate of Leadership Southern Leavenworth County. Hannah grew up in the grooming industry and has extensive knowledge about dogs, breeds and client services.  Hannah owns two dogs, Birdie the Dalmatian and Duckie the Standard Poodle.  When you come in to Wizard of Paws you might meet her kids because they come to work with her because we are a proud family owned and operated business.  

Family Owned & Operated
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Fun Fact, Monica and Hannah are mother and daughter.  They work together and manage a successful business that believe in family, community and strong work ethics.



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Charlie is our Fifth Generation and has some crazy good dog grooming skills.  She is our public relations manager and the true boss of Wizard of Paws!

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Alyssa Winsor/ Senior Groomer

Alyssa is a groomer with 13 years of grooming experience. Alyssa began her grooming career in May 2011 after graduating from Tonganoxie High School. Alyssa started as a bather with a grooming internship at Leavenworth Coop then moved to Khaki Hound & Camo Kitty where she worked for seven years before coming back to her hometown of Tonganoxie. Alyssa is certified in dog & cat CPR, Cat Grooming and Skin & Coat.  Alyssa is very invested in continuing her education in the grooming industry and attends training and grooming workshops.  Her  passion is dying dog with fun, bold designs.  Alyssa has three dogs, a Pittie named Vodoo, two Standard Poodles named Thunder and Rain.   

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Family Too

Fun fact, Hannah and Alyssa have been best friends since sixth grade and graduated together from Tonganoxie High School.  They continue supporting each other in their chosen professions and being there for each other.

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Paige Vehlewald/ Bather & Apprentice Groomer

Paige is new to the grooming profession and has dedicated herself to creating a career that will continue to grow.  Paige completed grooming academy in 2023 and worked for a year before joining the Wizard of Paws family.  Her commitment to improve and grow her skills is something to marvel at.  Paige has two dogs, both are Doodles named Ella Mae and Oakley Jane (make sure to use their middle names).  

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Shaun Gee/ Official Free Part Timer

Shaun, aka Pops, is our back up bather, dog dryer, weed pulling, fixer, cleaner, baby sitter, dog holder, back up receptionist and overall Mr Fix-it.  He will tell everyone, "he is free part time help" but he is invaluable to us 

Our Services

Diva & Cami

Wizard of Paws is an "all inclusive" pet grooming salon.


What does this mean?  

It means that you will not have to pay any additional charges for a standard grooming service.


"All inclusive" grooming services include

  •  Bath with appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your dogs coat type and skin

  •  Anal glands expressed externally if needed

  • Pads trimmed free of hair

  • Sanitary trim

  • Nails clipped

  • Ears plucked & clean (must be free of infection)

  • Complete brush out or "3 Step De Shedding Process"

  • Appropriate Haircut

  • Bandana or bows

  • Cologne


Color & Creative Grooming are additional, please ask for a quote estimate


**Matting and fleas/ticks will result in additional fees because those are not part of standard grooming**



Full Groom Services
By Appointment Only
Sadie Girl

Full grooming services include everything in our "all inclusive" services plus a personalized haircut that will enhance your pets unique character.


Our trained staff will walk through your grooming session and desired haircut,  plus give you at home grooming tips to achieve the best style for your pet.  

Nail Trims
Walk-In, 9am-1pm Tuesday-Friday & every other Saturday.  No appointment needed

Curly & Painful

Long & Painful            Corrected
Perfect  & Maintained

Wizard of Paws offers walk in nail trims for your convenience during our hours of operations.  


Nail trims are an important part of your dogs health.  A properly trimmed and maintained nail will help your dog maintain correct body and foot structure.  Overgrown nails can cause arthritis, infection in the nail bed and curling into the pads.  A dogs nails should be trimmed every 4-6 weeks to prevent overgrowth .  


Feel free to ask one of our pet professionals what nail trimming schedule would best accommodate you and your pets lifestyle

"Maintenance Program"
Scheduled Pre-Booked Only


The "Maintenance Program" is for clients who bring their pet in for grooming on a  pre booked 4-8 week grooming schedule.  


How does the "Maintenance Program" work?


Pets will be scheduled for the "all inclusive" service which includes everything except body hair trimmed.  This includes it all! 


How does the "Maintenance Program" benefit the pet?


Wizard of Paws professionals will help maintain the proper hair coat and skin to ensure a healthy pet.  Pets will have the benefit of having their nails trimmed, ears cleaned and a clean sanitary area on the "Maintenance Program".  All pets receiving this service will be brushed free of mats and dramatically shed out to reduce the dreaded excess hair floating around the house.   The best feature of the "Maintenance Program" is how wonderful your pet will smell after the bath and how luxurious the pets coat will feel. 


Example Pricing


"Full Grooming" 

$60 Scheduled 6 weeks

"Maintenance Program"

$30 Scheduled  if 2 weeks

$40 Scheduled  if 3 weeks


***this is only an example of pricing. prices for all services will be based upon your pets breed, size, coat type and groom desired ***


Feel free to ask questions about your pets specific needs.

Creative Grooming with Color and Design
Appointment Only with Consultation

Creative grooming is a fun way to add a distinct touch to your pets grooming .  Creative grooming is not just putting color on a pet, it can be a specific trim or flair.  Wizard of Paws can add temporary or permanent color to best suit you and your pets needs.  Coat carving and Asian flare grooming can add a fun touch to any groom.  Wizard of Paws always adds complimentary bows, bandana, feathers or seasonal touches to every groom.  


All pets will be evaluated before creative grooming services can be done.  Pets will need to be comfortable and calm for the grooming process. Pets need to be mat free, in good skin health, free of health issues and on a regular grooming schedule.  


Please call and speak to a Wizard of Paws professional for more information or schedule an appointment.  Creative coloring is only available with a "Full Grooming Service"

Cat Grooming Too
Appointment Only

Bruce Wayne

Wizard of Paws has two groomers who are certified cat groomers.  Cat grooming is a service that requires great skill and adaptability.  Cats are not fans of being groomed and this can cause them stress and anxiety.  Our staff is trained to handle many situations and aggravated cats


Wizard of Paws offers cat grooming in the following services


  • Brush Outs

  • Shave Downs

  • Lion Trims

  • Long Trims

  • Utility Trims 

"3 Step De Shedding Process"

By Appointment Only

Wizard of Paws has a very thorough "3 Step De Shedding Process" that can be a game changer for the pets and their owners. 


What is the "3 Step De Shedding Process"?

The process starts with a deep cleaning bath and a conditioning treatment.  During the bathing process, groomers will use a high pressure hydro rinse the lifts and removes loose hair.  Next, the pet will be blown dry with a high velocity dryer that continues to force loose dead hair out of the coat.  Finally, we will thoroughly brush your pet with the appropriate tools for your pets coat type and coat condition.  


Is the "3 Step De Shedding Process worth it?


If you want less hair on your furniture, clothes and floating around in your house, the the answer is YES!


**Shedding is a ongoing hair growth cycle  that  causes dead hair to be continuously shedding.  Wizard of Paws can greatly decrease shedding but cannot eliminate shedding.** 


Contact one of our professionally trained staff with any questions. 

Services Not Offered

Teeth Brushing

Brushing & cleaning teeth needs to be done by or under veterinary supervision.

Internal Anal Gland Expressing

Internal Anal gland expression needs to be preformed by trained veterinary professional.  Wizard of Paws will do external expression only upon request.

Clean, pluck or treat infected ears

Ears that appear to have infection or irritation need to be treated by a veterinary professional

Treat or diagnose skin health issues

Wizard of Paws will follow directions from a Veterinarian professional for skin health issues.  We will use any medicated shampoos, creams or other prescribed medications on your pets as directed

Sedate, administer or be responsible for sedated pets

We are not medically trained and therefore, we do not take any responsibility for sedating or care of a sedated pet. 

 No Exceptions

Aggressive Pets

We will not groom pets that are aggressive.  No aggression towards staff, kids, or others pets allowed.  We all need to be safe.

Unvaccinated Pets

All pets must be current on all vaccinations for our safety, your pets, and other pets in the salon.  We require rabies, core vaccination and kennel cough to be current and have been vaccinated for at least 48 hours.  Proof of veterinary administration by physical copy or emailed copy required.  No exceptions.

We will not shave/trim a double coated dog. 


Shaving your pet can potentially cause post clipping alopecia or coat funk



Shaving your double coated dog in the summer does NOT make them cooler!

Your dogs coat has a job and will actually keep cool air trapped close to their skin if they don’t have packed undercoat! 
Excess shedding? 
Think your dogs matted, but it’s really just packed coat?? 


Don’t stress!! That’s why we’re here!! 
While many other groomers would just SHAVE your double coated breed cause it’s “easier”…we refuse to damage your dogs coat and will spend the time loosening up that shedding undercoat! !



What Is Post Clipping Alopecia or Coat Funk?



Post clipping alopecia is a syndrome where the hair takes a significant period of time to regrow hair follicles. When this happens, there can be patches of baldness and discoloration throughout a dog’s entire body with little chance of being able to regrow the hair. This is very common among Pomeranians but also affects breeds like Chow Chows, German Shepherds, Huskies and Golden Retrievers, among others.


Unless medically necessary, typically due to a skin disease, you should never shave your double-coated dog. Shaving may cause severe skin problems as well as a potential of the coat not growing back. This is why we will not shave double-coated breeds at Wizard of Paws. It is our job as professionals to care for the skin and coat of every dog, and shaving the coat of these breeds causes significant issues both seen and unseen.



Post Clipping Alopecia or PCA is defined as loss of proper coat growth due to clipping/shaving with clippers. There are a few things you need to know regarding PCA.

There is no definitive answer at this point, but there are two scientific theories from recent research. The first has to do with vasoconstriction of the blood vessels in the skin. When the coat is shaved, even in warm weather, the skin reacts by constricting blood vessels that feed the follicles in the skin. Once these vessels constrict the follicles no longer proliferate leading to PCA.

The second theory has to do with the growth cycle. When the coat is shaved, the growth cycle becomes disrupted due to the skin sealing itself with oils from sebaceous and apocrine glands. This traps clipped hairs beneath the epidermis preventing them from shedding out leading to improper growth as well as skin diseases.


PCA is unpredictable. There is no way to tell if a particular canine will acquire PCA if you shave. Often there is no issue, but on the third or fifth or even the tenth time, it can happen.


Are there actual health risks posed by PCA? The short answer is yes. Again, diseases such as Alopecia X, Black Skin Disease, Furunculosis, and other skin diseases often accompany PCA.

Once the coat has been clipped, the body now strains to properly regulate body temperature. Because dogs do not sweat, a properly maintained coat keeps a canine both cool and warm. This strain to cool the body puts a strain on internal organs.


 Do felines get PCA?

The short answer here is yes. While there is minimal research for canines there is even less for felines. Hair coated breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and others are not affected as often as true fur bearing breeds. While felines seem to be less affected by PCA than canines it can happen.


While there are situations such as severely matted or pelted coats that must be shaved for health health purposes, shaving because you think a pet is hot or shedding too much is simply not in the best interest of the pet. A professional groomers responsibility extends to protecting and promoting a healthy coat. A properly maintained coat will help regulate body temperature and prevent shedding.



Call or text 913-416-0255
for a professional grooming  appointment.

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